Kate Genever

Forever in your shadow 2021 – Collage

11 Budleigh Close

Forever in your shadow is a growing collection. Made by cutting and interlocking a postcard of classical statue with one of a bird. The statutes are chosen for their birdlike attributes, Mercury, for example, has winged ankles or hat.

They build on ideas explored in previous works which consider our complex relationship with animals and how we work, covet and trade them. These collages go further and picture more overtly our co-dependence, desire and perhaps jealousy. Began during lockdown they are also response to our enforced captivity. A time when I further reflected on what we do and have done to animals, given our own experience. And how through farming, myth and awe we continue to steal their beauty, freedom and power to extend or enhance our own.

Kate is an artist and farmer based in South Lincolnshire who tries to make sense of the world through drawing. I take drawing to be more than a technique – rather a disposition that reveals our connections with the world of materials, animals and each other. A drawing from, with and together. 

In places, over extended periods, Kate consider how we improvise and imagine in response to our immediate problems. Be it in villages, refuges, caravan parks, lockdown… she builds deep connections with people in the celebration and support of site-specific responses, DIY architectures and creative community actions. 

Kate also runs a small international gallery in her front garden - The Notice Board. From 15 July to 15 August it will be hosting Roger and Sarah Healey-Dilkes (The Bird Box Gallery) work to celebrate them and the Bird Box Summer Art Trail in South Cambridge.



